Querying the database

Firstly make sure you have downloaded or built the database.

Below you can find basic examples. For more complex examples, please refer to the complete documentation.

Using configuration file or environment variable

Taxadb can now take profit of configuration file or environment variable to set database connection parameters.

  • Using configuration file

You can pass a configuration file when building your object:

>>> from taxadb.taxid import TaxID

>>> taxid = TaxID(config='/path/to/taxadb.cfg')
>>> name = taxid.sci_name(33208)
>>> ...
  • Configuration file format

The configuration file must use syntax supported by configparser object. You must set database connection parameters in a section called DBSETTINGS as below:


Some value will default it they are not set.

hostname will be set to value localhost and port is set to 5432 for dbtype=postgres and 3306 for dbtype=mysql.

  • Using environment variable

Taxadb can as well use an environment variable to automatically point the application to a configuration file. To take profit of it, just set TAXADB_CONFIG to the path of your configuration file:

(bash) export TAXADB_CONFIG='/path/to/taxadb.cfg'
(csh) set TAXADB_CONFIG='/path/to/taxadb.cfg'

Then, just create your object as follow:

>>> from taxadb.taxid import TaxID

>>> taxid = Taxid()
>>> name = taxid.sci_name(33208)
>>> ...


Arguments passed to object initiation will always overwrite default values as well as values that might have been set by configuration file or environment variable TAXADB_CONFIG.


Several operations on taxids are available in taxadb:

>>> from taxadb.taxid import TaxID

>>> taxid = TaxID(dbype='sqlite', dbname='taxadb.sqlite')
>>> name = taxid.sci_name(33208)
>>> print(name)

>>> lineage = taxid.lineage_name(33208)
>>> print(lineage)
['Metazoa', 'Opisthokonta', 'Eukaryota', 'cellular organisms']
>>> lineage = taxid.lineage_name(33208, reverse=True)
>>> print(lineage)
['cellular organism', 'Eukaryota', 'Opisthokonta', 'Metazoa']

>>> taxid.has_parent(33208, 'Eukaryota')

You can also get the taxid from the scientific name

Get the taxid from a scientific name.

>>> from taxadb.names import SciName

>>> names = SciName(dbtype='sqlite', dbname='mydb.sqlite')
>>> taxid = names.taxid('Physisporinus cinereus')
>>> print(taxid)

If you are using MySQL or postgres, you’ll have to provide your username and password (and optionally the port and hostname):

>>> from taxadb.taxid import TaxID

>>> taxid = TaxID(dbype='postgres', dbname='taxadb',
                    username='taxadb', password='*****')
>>> name = taxid.sci_name(33208)
>>> print(name)

accession numbers

Get taxonomic information from accession number(s).

>>> from taxadb.accessionid import AccessionID

>>> my_accessions = ['X17276', 'Z12029']
>>> accession = AccessionID(dbtype='sqlite', dbname='taxadb.sqlite')
>>> taxids = accession.taxid(my_accessions)
>>> taxids
<generator object taxid at 0x1051b0830>

>>> for tax in taxids:
('X17276', 9646)
('Z12029', 9915)